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Partnership Ann: Diviner Protocol to integrate Bitgert chain


Bitgert welcomes Diviner Protocol to its ecosystem.

Bitgert and Diviner Protocol coming together is something exciting in metaverse. 

Diviner Protocol aims to build a metaverse “Diviner harbour city” to offer users a gamified and diversified prediction marketplace. Where users can win rewards, just by predicting the market flow. It provides whole lot of services on its ecosystem, like swap, farming, launchpads etc.

With this integration comes another metaverse ecosystem to Bitgert chain, making it more efficient over time. 

Given its prediction marketplace, our community canthe  predict the market and win prices in BNB, play games on Diviner Protocol and do lot more. 

Can you predict what’s coming next for Bitgert. Log in to CMC and watch $BRISE competition, where you can earn $50 $BRISE daily.