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2nd Monthly BRISE Burn


2nd monthly burning of $BRISE

Towards a better value. 

$BRISE has successfully completed it’s second monthly burn, this includes buy back and burn and excluded auto burn tokens on BSC.

Facts and figures from our recent burn. 

Total $BRISE burned :- 7436220571532 $BRISE

Approximate value in USD :- $4,538,288

Approximate percentage (with respect to circulating supply) :- 2% 

Burn Txn Hash:  BRC Hash 1BEP20 Hash 1 | BEP20 Hash 2

Where does this take us? 

The first burn was announced last month and since then, it’s the second monthly burn. Bitgert Chain is committed to burning 99% of it’s total supply and with this monthly burn, its determined to work on the same path. 

The objective of burns is not only to decrease the total and circulating supply but also to claim a top notch place in the industry. With massive 7 trillion tokens burned, the team envisions a better investment opportunity for the industry. 

To know more about burning mechanism, click HERE .