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Bitgert is LIVE on Band Protocol Mainnet

Bitgert Chain Integrated on  Band Protocol MainNet

Crossing real world limitations with Oracle !!!

From AI to IOT and from AI-enabled chat bots to some trading bots, everything is built and works around the data that is collected through real life experiences and incidents. The same way real-world data can be utilized in blockchain technology. This what exactly our partner does.

Band Protocol allows developers to use any data including real-world events, sports, weather, random numbers and more. Developers can create custom-made oracles using Web Assembly to connect smart contracts with traditional web APIs within minutes.

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts.

Bitgert Chain supports EVM-compatible smart contracts. Now with our vibrant partner, developers can utilize real-world data and information and initiate smart contracts, and also utilize cross-chain services provided by them. Both platforms embrace this latest development and see a profoundly profitable future.